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Anti-Candida Detox

This 7-day cleanse can make quite an impact on the Candida population living in your body & very effectively start the process of returning it to good health.

Understanding Candidiasis by Jem Friar N.C. What is it?  
Candida albicans is a yeast normally found in our bodies. However, candida becomes a serious problem when it is not balanced or controlled by friendly bacteria. When this occurs, not only does it take over the digestive tract, but it converts into an aggressive fungus that follows through the intestinal wall and makes its way to live throughout the body! This is how the problem of Systemic Candidiasis arises.   
In this time, people often develop sensitivities to milk products, wheat, and yeast. Systemic Candidiasis can be very frustrating, tiring, and debilitating in its own right. (Candida is known to release up to 79 different toxins). However, if not properly dealt with, the constant challenge to your immune system can eventually lead to debilitating illnesses, such as Chronic Fatigue.


Green Juice

Plausible Causes:
Antibiotic overuse (or consumption of antibiotics through eating nonorganic meat products); Diets high in refined carbohydrates (especially sugar); Use of Steroids, oral contraceptives, stimulants, alcohol, stress, lowered immune system. 


Plausible Symptoms:

Abdominal bloating; flatulence; altered bowel habit; irritable bowel – recurrent diarrhea or constipation; anal & vulva itching; sugar cravings; brain fog, mental depression, poor concentration & poor short-term memory; lethargy & fatigue; food intolerance; canker sores or white spots in the mouth; wheat & milk allergy/sensitivity; recurrent fungal skin conditions e.g. athletes foot; tiredness (especially 20-30 minutes after meals with sugar/ bread/ alcohol/ yeast).

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to verify whether someone has systemic candidiasis through traditional testing methods. Probably the most accurate test is a urine test for organic acids, but it is quite costly. The ethanol test & the hydrogen breath test can also be useful. One of the most simple & accurate tests, however, is the Candida questionnaire. This can be fairly indicative of the degree to which you may or may not be suffering from a Candida overgrowth. 
What to do about it after the Anti-Candida Cleanse: To clear the body of excess candida, you must approach it from the following 5 directions: Diet, Nutritional Supplements, Anti-Fungal Supplements, Pro-Biotics Supplements, and Intestinal Healing Supplements.
A Complete Anti-Candida program should include all 5 of these approaches, to fully clear the body of a candida overgrowth. It is advisable to see a naturopath, to help with this.

The Anti-Candida Detox is specifically designed to help people who are suffering from a Candida imbalance. his 7-day cleanse can make quite an impact on the Candida population living in your body & very effectively start the process of returning it to good health.  We provide 2 options for the anti-candida detox packages. Accommodation is not included in the packages.  Please choose your preferred room type and book separately..



8N9D Anti-Candida Pacakge

฿ 29,900 / person

We bundle the 7-day anti candida detox with other activities to fulfill your journey to good health.

Sitting holding coconut


7 Day Anti-Candida Detox

฿ 18,800/ person

The Anti-Candida Detox is specifically designed to help people who are suffering from a Candida imbalance. his 7-day cleanse can make quite an impact on the Candida population living in your body & very effectively start the process of returning it to good health. 

Kayak Station
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